I made a little bag for the respirator. I made a mesh patch so the air is easily sucked inside the intake. Moreover it prevents the intake from clugging with snow.
I secured the whole thing with 2 velcro straps that wrap around the shoud strap. No way it goes anywhere.
I'll glue on the mouthpiece once I have made all the stitching nice (finish is not the best yet). I'll then add a zap strap and heat shrink the connection. That is the weak point I want really strong.
The mouthpiece iteself is awesome. It won't break when cold !! You can bite it hard. It won't get ripped out of your mouth.
The exhaust hose runs outside of the pack. I attach it on the other side of the back pack.
Next experiment is with hydration system. I'll run the hose through the Hydration sleeve and out through the zipper.